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Health on Purpose  בריאות בכוונה

My name is Shannon and I am a Licensed Acupuncturist with a background in Neuroscience. I am a true and firm believer in the mind-body connection and holistic healing. Through my practice, I strive to promote health and wellbeing in my clients, and to empower them, in order to help provide the foundations for a more balanced and intentional life. Welcome to the Tel Aviv acupuncture clinic where health happens on purpose.


Balance Your Qi

Chinese Medicine Theory has a lot to say about how to stay healthy and prevent disease- from diet, to movement, sleep and more. I will act as your guide, teacher, and partner on this healing journey. This is a holistic medicine.

Gua sha tools, essential oils, and liniment laid on a textured blanket.


Natural Beauty from Within

Over a course of treatment, one can expect to obtain a natural result using cosmetic acupuncture needles, intradermal needling, gua sha, and facial cupping for lymphatic drainage.

Woman recieving scalp massage with facial acupuncture needles.


Mind Body & Spirit

Fine acupuncture needles are inserted throughout the body on specific points in order to specifically address your needs. Treatments may include adjunctive therapies such as fire cupping, gua sha, aromatic essential oils, and moxabustion.

Acupuncture needles being placed in the legs of a woman

“Doctors put drugs of which they know little, into bodies of which they know less, for diseases of which they know nothing at all”


Book a Consultation

Are you looking for a more holistic approach to your health or simply want to feel rejuvenated and rebalanced? Get in touch to book a free 15 minute phone consultation.

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